Your donation will help us preserve this
exceptionally rare, intact piece of Atlantis Sandveld
fynbos for future generations. |
As one of only six floral kingdoms of the planet, with 9600 recorded species,
many found nowhere else on Earth, the Cape Floristic region is a World
Biodiversity Hotspot. Under increasing pressure from human development, it is
also one of the most threatened, with more than 1800 species under threat of
extinction. Atlantis Sandveld Fynbos is particularly under threat due to urban
expansion, agriculture, and invasive alien plants. Much of the remaining fynbos
is also fractured into isolated pieces on farmland and urban areas, are are too
small to remain viable. We therefore need to conserve what we have. Nirvana
Fynbos Reserve has a long-term vision and plan to conserve the fynbos on the
reserve, and fynbos found in the surrounding areas. |
Biodiversity is the basis for prosperity. The environment renders numerous
services for free - from water catchment and purification, to soil stability, to
eliminating pollution. Without these services, civilisation would cease to
exist. We have seen this happen numerous times in history. Biodiversity is also
the basis for the eco-tourism and eco-agri sectors. |
Much research still needs to take place. Many new medicinal drugs have been
extracted from fynbos species. Furthermore, given climate change, there is still
much to learn from the remarkably-adapted and hardy fynbos. |
The psychological and social impact of pristine wilderness areas, especially
within an urban periphery, has also been shown to be hugely positive. Such a
reserve can also become a focus for community and other social interventions,
including education, arts and culture. Nirvana Fynbos Reserve is located
adjacent to the socio-economically deprived town of Atlantis and The Witsand
Housing Project. |
NIrvana Fynbos Reserve is a Public Benefit Organisation, and all funds raised
help us to continue conserving this exceptionally rare biodiversity. Our
Projects page also lists opportunities for you to donate resources or funds to
specific projects. We rely on funding and volunteers to preserve and enhance
this exceptional biodiversity and facilities. |
nirvanafynbos@gmail.com |